Cloud Meetup 004 (June 2019)

Owen McGrath - Educational Technology Services

Owen, as director of ETS, presents about Berkeley's experiments with cloud-based workstations at the instructional lab and the Student Computing @Cal contexts. Motivation, pilot, some details on the classes and next steps. Owen shares details on this initial foray with Amazon Workstation and the results of the POC. 

Maryana Alegro - UCSF and BCHSI/BIDS

Maryana, phD, is a Postdoc Researcher at UCSF and Data Scientist Fellow at Cal BCHSI/BIDS. At UCSF Grinberg Lab, Maryana investigates and creates computational tools to assist researchers in studying human brain and dementia, especially Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Such tools incorporate a combination of machine learning techniques with visualization and computer vision.

Jason Christopher - Research IT.

Jason is the Architect/Service Manager for the Analytics Environments on Demand (AEoD) program ( ). He discusses the history, drivers and strategic roadmap for ÆoD, including its evolution and consideration of a move to the public cloud as the program scales. Jason also talks with Maryana to use her workstation example as a case study in how to assess the cost-benefit and feasibility of running it on a cloud platform such as GCP, Azure or AWS.