Yana Yarmolich (UC Berkeley undergraduate student) will present research and team-management work under the supervision of Dean Emeritus and Professor Stefano Bertozzi analyzing COVID-19 data from Mexico. Yana will demonstrate use of the group’s Azure cloud deployment that the group uses to research the transmission of SARS-COV-2 and the clinical presentation of COVID-19 in Mexico.
DTI DevOps Lead Greg Merritt will present a high-level look “under the hood” of the deployed cloud infrastructure.
Jerry Li (UC Berkeley graduate student) will present research and cloud deployment work under the supervision of Professor Teresa Head-Gordon, Chancellor's Professor, Departments of Chemistry, Bioengineering, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering. Jerry will describe the group’s research problem (“Reinforcement Learning with Real-time Docking of 3D Structures to Cover Chemical Space: Mining for Potent SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease Inhibitors”) and the efficient use of multiple Azure services (Azure ML, Azure Functional App and Azure Batch) to carry out CPU-GPU heterogeneous computations, specifically using Azure Batch to perform massive-parallelized CPU calculations.