Meetup Playlist
Scott Classen: Dr. Scott Classen is a Biophysicist Research Scientist in the Molecular Biophysics and Integrated Bioimaging Division. He works at the Advanced Light Source at two Macromolecular Crystallography beamlines (8.3.1 and 12.3.1) where he focuses on beamline control systems, data acquisition, and analysis.
Fully automated and unattended Macromolecular Crystallographic (MX) data collection relies on robust alignment of crystal samples within the X-ray beam. In this presentation Scott will outline his use of the AutoML Vision tool available from Google Cloud Platform (GCP). AutoML Vision is one of a number of AI/ML tools offered through an intuitive web-based user interface and designed for non-experts to take advantage of the immense potential of AI/ML tools. With AutoML you can train custom models for object classification and detection, which can then be deployed on GCP and accessed remotely or downloaded and deployed on local compute resources. Scott will present details of the development and deployment of his AutoML-based sample centering software at beamline 8.3.1 at the Advanced Light Source.