
Content about culture work at Berkeley

Updates and Progress on Cloud Computing at Berkeley

April 5, 2019
The most salient recent developments have been in focusing our work to align with the Chancellor's strategy -- in the case of cloud computing, especially towards support for scaling up Jupyterhub to meet the needs of the Division of Data Sciences. Anthony Suen has been instrumental in forging a partnership with IST, and the greater OneIT community -- for example, this Kubernetes training he and Eric Fraser organized. (The photo below is the cohort that completed the training).


FY20 Awardee Profile: RTL AR/VR Community of Practice and Support Program


Shawna Dark, Ken Lutz, Chris Hoffman, Owen McGrath and Oliver Heyer, Research Teaching & Learning

RTL will partner with the CTO and our 2020 Berkeley Changemaker Technology Innovation Grant awardees Insight XR,...

Ethnic Studies Podcast - AR

FY20 Awardee Profile: “Scaffolding Stories/Building Communities”: Ethnic Studies and Podcast/Augmented Reality in the 21st Century Campus


Dr. Pablo Gonzalez, Ethnic Studies Department and Chicana/o Studies Program

Scaffolding Stories/Building Communities is a Podcast and AR program will help students bring their Ethnic Studies courses to life, putting them in charge of telling stories with their families and...

Fall Technology Innovation Forum

Main page for the 2020 Fall Technology Innovation Forum including program information and registration.

Student Impact Partnerships

Student Impact Partnerships

The Technology Innovation Program is establishing partnerships with student focused programs and organizations at Berkeley that foster innovation, encourage new ways of looking at the world, and promote positive change. The CTO Innovation program is piloting the first two such partnerships with Berkeley's Blum Center and Berkeley Changemaker™. The goal of these partnerships is to bolster technology support for student ideas proposed via...